Legalize + secure

change land and housing laws

repetitive building addresses , a garbage farm , planting steel rebars , construction on agricultural land , waiting agricultural land

government officials, planners, farmers, landowners, tenants

negotiate ownership + tenure rights

repetitive building addresses , a garbage farm , waiting agricultural land

government officials, planners, landowners, tenants

preserve existing vacant land

a garbage farm , planting steel rebars , construction on agricultural land , waiting agricultural land , urban void as a soccer field , urban void as a playground , large urban void as a car parking lot , urban void as a garbage dump

government officials, planners, landowners

secure an open space ratio

shared walls , building heights , sandwich city , rooftops an extension of the home , construction on agricultural land , waiting agricultural land , large urban void as a car parking lot , urban void as a garbage dump

landowners, builders, designers

green roofs by law

public buildings , sandwich city , connected roofs , rooftops an extension of the home , micro-economies on rooftops , construction on agricultural land , schools

government officials, building owners, agents of change committee, Schaduf

rent portions of the street

cantilevered building typology

government officials, designers, planners, street vendors, retail owners, small business owners

shared but separate electric meters

exhibition building typology , urban void as a soccer field , urban void as a playground , large urban void as a car parking lot , small urban void as a toktok parking lot

landowners, urban void renters, residents, small business owners, workshop owners

formalize the [in]formal

government officials, planners, toktok drivers, micro-bus drivers


cultivate curiosity in the young first

incompleteness , sandwich city , rooftops an extension of the home , schools , large urban void as a car parking lot , urban void as a garbage dump

agents of change committee, designers, children, young adults, artists

reclaim vacant spaces with neighbours' needs

neighbourhood watch , exhibition building typology , incompleteness , sandwich city , rooftops an extension of the home , waiting agricultural land , large urban void as a car parking lot , urban void as a garbage dump

agents of change committee, designers, planners, residents, business owners, building owners, landowners

cultivate partnerships first

neighbourhood watch , incompleteness , sandwich city , rooftops an extension of the home , micro-economies on rooftops , large urban void as a car parking lot , urban void as a garbage dump

agents of change committee, designers, urban void renters, street vendors, soccer field owners, artists, small business owners

celebrate + Maintain

cleaning creates space

sandwich city , connected roofs

building residents, building owners, landowners

combine pigeon towers with urban farming

sandwich city , connected roofs

pigeon breeders, Schaduf, housewives, children, young adults

multiply land-use

public buildings , large urban void as a car parking lot , small urban void as a toktok parking lot , urban void as a garbage dump

landowners, designers, urban void renters, small business owners, soccer field owners, parking lot owners

vertical distribution of activities

rooftops an extension of the home , large urban void as a car parking lot , small urban void as a toktok parking lot , urban void as a garbage dump

land owners, urban void renters, parking lot owners, designers, building owners

[re]shuffling program helps

sandwich city

building residents, urban void renters, parking lot owners, designers, agents of change committee

swap properties for public interest

incompleteness , waiting agricultural land , urban void as a garbage dump

landowners, government officials, planners, designers

transform urban voids into communal hubs

large urban void as a car parking lot , urban void as a garbage dump

landowners, urban void renters, parking lot owners, urban farmers, street vendors, mobile vendors, artists, small business owners, children, housewives, teachers, designers

occupy space below the bridge

designers, planners, street vendors, agents of change committee, mobile vendors, toktok drivers, micro-bus drivers

borrowing space + legal sprawl

workshop building typology , exhibition building typology , incompleteness

building owners, agents of change committee, teachers, artists, designers, small business owners

urban time share

public buildings , schools

planners, designers, government officials, Schaduf, agents of change committee, urban farmers, agriculture and architecture interning students

respect existing multi-functionality

designers, planners, government officials, agents of change committee

carve but offset

exhibition building typology

designers, building owners, agents of change committee

enlarge the recess

cantilevered building typology , workshop building typology

builders, landowners, designers

negotiate air rights

building heights , sandwich city , connected roofs

building owners, landowners, designers, building residents

create [+] urban pockets


designers, agents of change committee, street vendors, urban farmers, artists, teachers


shared walls , light wells , sandwich city

builders, designers, building owners, agents of change committee, local craftsmen

light tubes

shared walls , light wells , sandwich city

designers, builders, building owners, agents of change committee, local craftsmen

light shelves

shared walls , balcony drapes

designers, building owners, building residents, local craftsmen

connect + share rooftops

sandwich city , connected roofs , vertical extensions , micro-economies on rooftops

building owners, building residents, agents of change committee, local craftsmen

green walls + green roofs + green streets

unfinished facades , construction on agricultural land

building owners, Schaduf, urban farmers, designers, agents of change committee

satellite dishes on the edge

sandwich city , connected roofs

building owners, building residents, agents of change committee, local technicians

boundaries are community walls

waiting agricultural land , schools , large urban void as a car parking lot , urban void as a garbage dump

landowners, urban void renters, parking lot owners, soccer field owners, designers, agents of change committee, street vendors, small business owners, housewives, urban farmers, artists, teachers, local craftsmen,

green edible fences

public buildings , waiting agricultural land , urban void as a soccer field , urban void as a playground

landowners, urban void renters, parking lot owners, Schaduf, agents of change committee, soccer field owners, designers

add some paint

agents of change committee, children, young adults, designers, urban void renters

equal distribution of nodes

exhibition building typology , incompleteness , large urban void as a car parking lot

designers, agents of change committee, urban farmers, vendors, teachers, health care providers

introverted markets

street vendors, designers, agents of change committee

[+] waiting areas

sandwich city , connected roofs , rooftops an extension of the home , micro-economies on rooftops , schools , large urban void as a car parking lot

agents of change committee, designers, residents, agriculture and architecture students

reduce, reuse, recycle

public buildings , sandwich city , connected roofs , vertical extensions , micro-economies on rooftops , a garbage farm , waiting agricultural land , schools , large urban void as a car parking lot , small urban void as a toktok parking lot

residents, waste management providers, designers, agents of change committee, toktok drivers, vendors, urban farmers, local craftsmen, artists, garbage collectors

it's all about shading

street vendors, designers, agents of change committee

reclaim your territory by numbers

large urban void as a car parking lot , urban void as a garbage dump

street vendors, mobile vendors, designers, agents of change committee

eco farms on rooftops

public buildings , sandwich city , connected roofs , micro-economies on rooftops , schools , large urban void as a car parking lot

building owners, agents of change committee, funding agencies, government officials, urban void renters

toktok for waste collection

workshop building typology , public buildings , sandwich city , rooftops an extension of the home , micro-economies on rooftops , a garbage farm , waiting agricultural land , schools , large urban void as a car parking lot , small urban void as a toktok parking lot , urban void as a garbage dump

toktok drivers, agents of change committee, garbage collectors, waste management providers, residents, vendors, urban farmers, workshop owners

building ceremony

large urban void as a car parking lot

agents of change committee, designers, residents, local craftsmen, urban farmers, vendors, artists, children, housewives, young adults, cafe owners, soccer field owners, funding agencies

Celebrate + Maintain

handmade increases ownership + collaboration

sandwich city , rooftops an extension of the home , micro-economies on rooftops , large urban void as a car parking lot

residents, local craftsmen, designers, agents of change committee

own to protect

light weight extensions , standardized apartments , sandwich city , rooftops an extension of the home , micro-economies on rooftops , balcony drapes , large urban void as a car parking lot

tenants, building owners, street vendors, small business owners, planners, government officials, parking lot owners, soccer field owners

micro-economies as tools for social responsibility

neighbourhood watch , micro-economies on rooftops , waiting agricultural land , schools , large urban void as a car parking lot

unemployed residents, toktok drivers, young adults, agents of change committee, small business owners, housewives